Minecraft unable to save download. twitch-platform-6.5-natives-windows-32.jar

Mojang is aware of the problem and will address it soon #1066 [09:38] so its not just me? #1067 [09:38] It's not just you #1068 [09:39] http://paste.ubuntu.com/23961094/ #1069 [09:39] its weird…



To fix this issue, either create a new Windows account without any special characters (only A-Z and 0-9), or change the working directory of the launcher. #1154 [15:31] Jimi : See http://hopper.minecraft.net/help/special… I have the exact username and password i just dont know the email but I cant log in the new version without the email #355 [16:14] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Fnkcw7B3vw/ #356 [16:17] * OpsTalk [webchat@] has quit. Paste your text there, click Create Secret Gist , and give us the URL the site takes you to, and we can see what you have put there. #713 [02:05] Bootstrap (v5) Current time is Nov 24, 2013 3:05:03 PM System.getProperty('os.name… I manually downloaded this https://libraries.minecraft.net/tv/twitch/twitch-external-platform/4.5/twitch-external-platform-4.5-natives-windows-64.jar #998 [06:14] Yeah i heard of it. ng tb hiv care pr45 reason code network utilities in mac on hallowed ground break stuff eurway furniture stores 14 weeks

5 days ago I've tried to download forge 1.8.9 and 1.7.10 (for pvp) and whenever I try to Minecraft running the latest 1.15.1 Forge, the early loading window GLFW error before init: [0x10008]Win32: Failed to create interface forName0(Native Method) at java.lang. MalisisCorePlugin (malisiscore-1.12.2-6.5.1.jar). Download Crazy Craft 3.0 server over on the modpacks section of the website and hit download server pack! Have a good day. #512 [05:40] ??> Okay #513 [05:40] * Peter_Gamerrr [Peter_Gamerrr@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp #514 [05:40] * egemen [egemen@notlogged] has quit. Then reset your password using https://account.mojang.com/password -- then try again. #1085 [12:40] * NebeligesNutella [NebeligesNutella@notlogged] has quit. (Client Quit) #1086 [12:40] * BlackP4nda [BlackP4nda@notlogged] has joined… Paste your text into the big box, enter your name, click 'Paste!' and give us the URL of the site it takes you to. #871 [09:48] * Toasty [Toasty@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp #872 [09:48] * VluixLP [VluixLP@notlogged] has quit.

C:/Users/Connor/Desktop/MultiMC/libraries/tv/twitch/twitch-external-platform/4.5/twitch-external-platform-4.5-natives-windows-64.jar C:/Users/Matthew/Desktop/MultiMC/libraries/tv/twitch/twitch-platform/6.5/twitch-platform-6.5-natives-windows-64.jar Twitch-external-platform-4.5-natives-windows-32.jar #845 [10:14] ??> EinfachMaxYT win/reinst #846 [10:14] EinfachMaxYT : You may need to reinstall the locally installed files that Minecraft puts into place. #847 [10:14] … The error code is 0x80070490, in case you need it" #373 [13:23] * isaiahtheg03 [webchat@75-166-220-83.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #minecrafthelp #374 [13:23] it says this when i try to download the new version Unable to save… Mojang is aware of the problem and will address it soon #1066 [09:38] so its not just me? #1067 [09:38] It's not just you #1068 [09:39] http://paste.ubuntu.com/23961094/ #1069 [09:39] its weird…

I have the exact username and password i just dont know the email but I cant log in the new version without the email #355 [16:14] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Fnkcw7B3vw/ #356 [16:17] * OpsTalk [webchat@] has quit.

Have a good day. #512 [05:40] ??> Okay #513 [05:40] * Peter_Gamerrr [Peter_Gamerrr@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp #514 [05:40] * egemen [egemen@notlogged] has quit. Then reset your password using https://account.mojang.com/password -- then try again. #1085 [12:40] * NebeligesNutella [NebeligesNutella@notlogged] has quit. (Client Quit) #1086 [12:40] * BlackP4nda [BlackP4nda@notlogged] has joined… Paste your text into the big box, enter your name, click 'Paste!' and give us the URL of the site it takes you to. #871 [09:48] * Toasty [Toasty@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp #872 [09:48] * VluixLP [VluixLP@notlogged] has quit. In Spam folder is not a email #122 [06:24] * vitinhotref [vitinhotref@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp #123 [06:25] #minecrefthelp #124 [06:28] Bianna, https://help.mojang.com/customer/en/portal/articles/542001… [12:29:30] [Debug] Benchmark.logBenchAs:73: Download Utils Init took 471 ms.

been able to fix thisover a month now I am having serious Minecraft & Forge withdrawals. ps: I have latest everything forge 1.8 and minecraft 1.8.9 [16:42:37 INFO]: Download job 'Version & Libraries' started (16 threads, 34 files) \twitch\twitch-platform\6.5\twitch-platform-6.5-natives-windows-32.jar 

I get like 20 fps at best when i stand stil at the moment without Optifine. #606 [03:51] * iiAbodMC [iiAbodMC@notlogged] has quit. (Client Quit) #607 [03:55] * iiAbodMC [iiAbodMC@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp #608 [03:59] * Yopam…

Every time I try to launch a game it tells me Unable to save download. lwjgl-openal-3.1.6-natives-windows.jar #714 [17:15] I have uninstaled and instaled minecraft multiple times #715 [17:19] * ATMdog [webchat@c-76-24-111-161.hsd1…