Get microsoft points for downloading bing app

This Bing Maps API Terms of Use (TOU) applies to the Microsoft Bing Maps Platform APIs and the Maps Platform APIs for the Universal Windows Platform

Meanwhile, Bruce Artwick left Sublogic and founded The Bruce Artwick Organization to continue his work on subsequent Microsoft releases, beginning with Microsoft Flight Simulator 3.0 in 1988.

Bing is owned by Microsoft and has previously been marketed as Live Search, Banking apps Wikipedia and its services Cricbuzz No VPN for me atleast Bing is not well I tried to download some porn but now google only redirects to bing myrogers on a browser and I get kicked to some sort of Bing search results ?‍♀️.

Microsoft has released an update to the Bing Rewards app for Windows Phone. The update brings the app to a level of being an actual app.Bing Maps | Maps for the tileLayerQuadKeyHTML

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